da photo above is feifei's sleeping pose..kakaka...cute rite?eheh...
kester came to malacca on sat nite..tat's y yesterday i nvr write my blog..hehe..he really gave me a shock lar coz nvr expect he will come...on sat nite::
i went out wiv willie on sat nite..we went to jonker street and "ang mo house" for ice kacang.not exactly ice kacang lar..got many many diff type of ice..got tit bits also wan..(not sure bout da name of da shop...but i can rmb there's a "ang mo" word there..for those who r not hokkien..."ang mo" = mat salleh lar...) in the ang mo house tat time suddenly kes's mom called me...
kes' mom: phoebe...kester's mom here ar...do u noe where is kester?
phoebss:oh auntie..er...i dunno where is kester...y??
kes' mom: oh...because he asked me 2 send him to lrt station at 8 sumthing...but he 4got 2 bring his phone..duno how is he goin 2 contact his frens...
phoebss:er...he nvr tell me he is coming to malacca wor...
kes' mom: hm...anything on in malacca?
kes' mom:oh...hm..dunno how he can contact his frens without his phone...
phoebss:er...never mind lar..i will try 2 call his frens and ask them where is kester..then i will call u back ok?
kes' mom:okay...
kes' mom:bye...
after hang up the phone i was quite worry about tat stu stu kester chin lar..i was thinking how 2 contact his frens coz my phone out of credit already..summore got heavy rain....reach bbu at 10.15pm and i rushed 2 public phone and call uncle ck...at 1st he was quite reluctant to tell me where is kester...n all he told me was he dunno...when i told him kester's mom called me then only he is willing to tell me where is kes...shit shit uncle ck..ish ish...then after tat went 2 reload my phone n called kes' mom...at 11 sumthing got a call from some malacca number....phoebss:sure it;s da stupid kester d..when i answer da phone...kes:be...i'm in malacca now..n all i answer was "i noe"....then he told me no bus 2 come bbu from malacca sentral...and i straight away shoot him..."wut the hell wei....11 sumthnig at nite got public bus??tis is malacca~~not kl lar..."then he answer me back how i noe wor...=.=lll
ntg much happen on sunday or 2day...kester jst took 4.30pm bus n went back kl d...i think now he is playing futsal lar..hehe...
oh ya..bought one new hamster from jonker street..so now i hav 4 hamster wiv me...ekekeek..one is feifei..coz too fat d...like a fur ball ni...then antoher one is sausau..coz compare 2 da feifei..she is very skinny lar..got one is sohsoh...coz when i just bought her back..she won't eat kuaci...she will eat da kuaci shell...damn stu rite?so name her sohsoh lar...a bit stu...ekekek...then da new one i bought is call jotjot...means timid...he memang is lar...ppl nvr kacau him then he go n shout shout shout...sigh...ekekek...so tat's all for my blog for 2day lar...